Sacrificial Love: Connecting Lent and Valentine's Day
Today we begin the meaningful season of Lent…and of all things, it begins on Valentine’s Day. At first, these might seem like very different occasions. The reflective Lenten journey focused on fasting and spiritual growth contrasts sharply with the joyful romance of Valentine's Day.
Yet looking closer, there are meaningful connections between these celebrations of love. Lent invites us to deepen our devotion through prayer, fasting and charity. These acts of sacrifice open our hearts to better love God and others. Valentine's Day also celebrates love - the affection between couples and friends that makes life meaningful.
In both seasons, what is at the heart of it is that love requires sacrifice. Lent calls us to surrender selfishness and grow in generosity. Valentine's Day couples thoughtfully give gifts and quality time. Expressing real love, whether towards God or others, means denying our own desires for their benefit.
So this unique convergence of Ash Wednesday and Valentine's Day contains profound lessons. As we embark on the Lenten path of spiritual growth, let us view it as an opportunity to deepen all our loves - love for God, for neighbors, for friends and families. May our Lenten sacrifices strengthen our capacity for affection, rather than merely depriving us.
And may Valentine's Day remind us that God delights in our happiness. Our shared journey towards Easter can be an adventure in living and giving more fully. The reminders of love surrounding us today offer inspiration to share love more freely in all our relationships during this holy season of Lent.
Let Us Pray.
God of Love, as we enter the Lenten season, may our fasting open our hearts to love more deeply. Help us to see sacrifice as an act of devotion that draws us closer to you and to one another. Inspire in us a generosity that mirrors Jesus’ self-giving love.
Let the joys of Valentine’s Day remind us delight comes from loving freely without limit. Our Lenten journey lies before us. Walk with us, God of Love.
Transform our small acts of Lenten discipline into ever-widening circles of radical, sacrificial love that encompass the whole world. We offer you our open hearts this Lenten season. Teach us the power of selfless Love.
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.