A Short Reflection on the Feast Day of St. Mark
Today we celebrate the Feast Day of St. Mark, a disciple of Jesus and companion to Peter, Paul, and Barnabas. In Mark 8:34, Jesus declares, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.” This powerful statement captures the essence of Jesus' call to discipleship, which St. Mark vividly illustrates in his Gospel. Through his writings, Mark provides a compelling glimpse into Jesus’ mission and the deep relationship He forged with those who followed Him.
According to tradition, Mark, also known as John Mark, was not just a bystander in the early Christian community but an influential figure who witnessed its trials and triumphs. As a disciple of Peter and Paul, and a cousin of Barnabas, Mark had a unique perspective that granted him intimate access to the spread of the Gospel.
Mark's missionary pursuits and hardships are documented in the book of Acts. Although he initially faced tension with Paul, their relationship was later reconciled. Mark's close connection with Peter is also evident, as Peter sought refuge in Mark's home after his miraculous escape from prison. Peter even referred to Mark as his own son in his letter.

St. Mark's impact on Christianity extends beyond his written Gospel. He is revered as the founder of the Church in Alexandria and his remarkable leadership led to his martyrdom; his remains were later transferred to Venice. Today, he is honored as the patron saint of Venice, and the Basilica of St. Mark stands as a testament to his contributions.
On this occasion, we honor St. Mark as not only a scribe of the Gospel but also as an influential figure in Christianity. He reminds us that the path to holiness involves hardship and redemption. The compelling narrative of Jesus' ministry in Mark's Gospel calls us to reflect on our own response to the call of discipleship and testify to the truth of the Gospel.
St. Mark, pray for us today. May we encounter Christ in order to share the Good News with others.
Let us pray.
O God, who raised up Saint Mark, your Evangelist, and endowed him with the grace to preach the Gospel, grant, we pray, that we may so profit from his teaching as to follow faithfully in the footsteps of Christ. Who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and ever.